USA Slalom Skateboarding Board Meeting. January 2024 Zoom meeting
6 pm MT, 01/03/2024- Wednesday
- Location: Virtual
- Board members in attendance: Joe McLaren, Maria Carrasco, Josh Byrd
- Board members absent: n/a
- Others in attendance: n/a
The meeting was called to order at 6:07pm MST by Mr. McLaren
- Podcast Launch! – Episode 1 with Joe launched on Spotify, Youtube, and Apple Podcasts. Video trailer for socials (Facebook and Instagram).
- Episode 2 is in the works (Lynn Kramer). Hoping to launch EOW.
- Episode 3 is recorded (Orion Lehrmann).
- Episode 4 is recording Saturday (Judi Oyama).
- Episode 5 is recording Friday (Isa Ruiz).
- Episode 6 is recording next week (Joseph Kyle Smith).
- Talks of spreading out the episode list according to geography.
- Team USA announcements – as soon as ISSA 2023 is calculated.
- ISSA BOD Meeting – Great feedback from the ISSA board (social, website, etc.)
- Committee Groups:
- Social media strategy – Isa (early next week)
- Livestream events – Kyle McLaren to host and follow cams
- GoPro connection to live stream devices?
- Website Updates:
- Shop – woocommerce needs php updates
- Square Online store, try it out
- Donations – setting up donations for each rider to reach their goals.
- Shop – woocommerce needs php updates
- Book keeping software – Quickbooks is the way to go
- Fundraising – Facebook for 501(c)(3)
- Promotes in the algorithm
- Bring up to Isa social platform fundraising
- Set up a P.O. Box – Joe is looking at setting one up
- $51/3 months
- $176/12 months
- Race Organizers partnering with USA Slalom Skateboarding nonprofit status to generate funds for their races.
- End of Year Awards: Event dinner at TX Sizzler
- Joe painted board trophies with a stand and engraved plaques
- Year end award category discussion
- Pitch Deck Updates
Meeting adjourned 9:15pm MST