Zoom Meeting: 7:00pm CST
Board Meeting Members: Joe McLaren, Maria Carrasco, Josh Byrd
Board Members Absent: n/a
Others in Attendance: Isa Ruiz, Casey O’Connell
- Marketing Group
- Recap of marketing meeting – Sarah, Joe, Isa, Harvey
- Every other week meeting cadence
- Corporate sponsorship outreach
- Influencer opportunities
- Isa to follow-up with the group on tasks
- New help:
- John is busy, but would love to run ideas by him. He could still help by sending the pitch deck to people and temperature checking actions.
- John Kim – friend of Maria’s. Business minded to review things.
- Joe Lehm – willing to help out with a given role. Isa to talk with him about developing educational resources (what is slalom, how to set courses, how to set up boards, etc.)
- Teach a race organizer certification for regional leaders
- Casey O’Connell – help organize the team with things they need to take care of (logistics, reservations, flights, Safesport, WADA, Infinity)
- LCR collaborations – social media event promotions and follow-up posts
- Social Media Advertising – to put $25 onto a qualified post (not yet chosen) – unanimous vote yes
- Recap of marketing meeting – Sarah, Joe, Isa, Harvey
- USA Skateboarding meeting – Tuesday, June 11, 2025
- USAS Memberships progress
- WSG Registrations – Infinity, $150 entry fee
- Coaches/Parents
- Social ideas/outlines following USAS branding
- Cole’s update from SHoF – video footage for social
- Apple’s non-profit matching for employees
- Website
- Josh to update Frankie’s headshot and other new bios
- Web store – selling items at events & selling other items fulfilled by Maria
- Events where we aren’t attending: Joe to look into invitation levels on Square, and remote Zelle payments
- SHoF recap – Maria to write
- Maria got footage on phone
- Cole footage
- Tim photos
- HTC recap – Joe/Isa to write, Josh to post
- Nationals update
- Josh emailed contact at Nashville Parks & Rec
- Will build a landing page on website to share – Josh
- Sponsorship packet – Josh to create
- Pitch deck – Looks great, let’s start sending it around!
- Fundraising/Sponsorships
- Contact updates
- Cohen – GoPro
- Old Bones Therapy: Josh to attempt messaging again
- Jen’s car dealership – Maria to follow up
- KT Tape – Joe following up on contract
- Fundraising Goal – $35k
- Pitch Deck video – Isa to create
- Corporate sponsors and influencers – Harvey to develop relationships
- Sending companies messages and requests
- Fandiem ideas – Nathan Groff (Nyjah & Halsey), Arab (Circle Jerks & others), etc. – Joe to contact
- Contact updates
- USA national team communications
- Team Info Session – Tuesday (6/18 @ 8pm CST): Josh to lead with presentation
- USA Skateboarding information + Casey
- World Skate Games information: hotel and travel info
- Fundraising ideas: personal sponsors vs. team sponsors
- Announce Nationals officially when city approves
- KT Tape – when it’s signed
- Encourage social media engagement with comments and sharing each other’s stuff – helps in our sponsorship outreach
- Anything else we need to communicate to the team
- Team Info Session – Tuesday (6/18 @ 8pm CST): Josh to lead with presentation
Next Board Meeting: 07/03/2024 @ 7pm CST
Meeting Concluded: 9:22pm CST